The Fairy Duck Project

Hello and welcome to the Fairy Duck Project. This project is designed to generate handmade Fairy Duck Dolls to children in Africa. I thought it would be nice for children who don't have very much in the way of toys, to have something beautiful to play with. So the Fairy Duck was created. If you would like to make a Fairy Duck, please send a stamp self addressed envelope to: The Fairy Duck Project PO Box 685 Bridgetown WA 6255 You will recieve a ready to sew and decorate Fairy Duck, Pattern and instructions. All we ask is that you send the completed Fairy Duck back to us and send some material and the pattern onto a friend. Our aim is to send 1,000 Fairy Ducks to Africa by the end of the year. We hope that you will enjoy the project and pass it on to your friends. A Fairy Duck can fly like a fairy and quack like a duck. She can swim like a duck and even fish for worms. However the best thing about a Fairy Duck, is that she can help make wishes come true. Goodluck.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Vintage Vibes

We have a lovely little shop in Bridgetown called Vintage Vibes owned by Simone. She has offered to put some Fairy Duck Kits in her shop along with her treasures. So I have made up a little flyer to go with it.


Kate said...

I love your little flyer - gorgeous and what a great idea to have them in the Vintage shop. Your are going to need an extra room in your house just to store them by the end of the year!

~Niki~ said...

Those are very sweet. Great idea! Just stumbled upon your blog. Love it!

jeanette said...

I love the fairy ducks. But I am not sure that they are what African children need. Has any African group asked for stuffed toys? African children play with natural materials like stones, gourds, and reeds and do make their own toys. They also learn a lot contributing to their families by helping with the daily domestic tasks. We westerners believe our children need lots of brightly coloured toys but often they are just a distraction from real interaction with other people. There is little need for cuddly toys or transitional objects when you are close to your mother all day and never sleep alone.
I cannot help notice all the ducks are mostly yellow. Yet only some domestic ducklings are yellow. What about some lovely black ducks.
The fairy ducks are really cute and the work is beautiful and the motivation for the ducks is well meaning. I knit for charity and send knitted garments overseas to a Chinese orphanage.Maybe you can auction the fairy ducks or sell them and send the proceeds to Africa to provide essential medical care.
just my opinion